• Yes, donations are tax deductible because the Hockey Foundation is listed on the Charities Register and has been approved by Inland Revenue as a donee organisation. You will receive a tax receipt and should consult your accountant as to how to claim a tax credit.

    Charities Register (Registration number: CC40226)

  • As a supporter you will be kept well informed about the work of the Foundation, but unfortunately we don’t tag individual donations. We are happy to talk through the programmes that your funding helps with.

  • Providing a major financial gift can have an immediate and significant impact on the range of Hockey NZ programmes we operate in the community. This can facilitate fast tracking of existing or new programmes.

    Please call Hockey NZ CEO Anthony Crummy on +64 27 475 5001 to discuss how you can help the Hockey Foundation.

  • 100% of donations made to the Hockey Foundation will go directly to the Foundation. All operating costs are met by Hockey NZ.

  • We can send you a generic information sheet to make it easier for you to understand what is required whether you are creating a new Will or adding to an existing one. Please contact us at foundation@hockeynz.co.nz

    It’s easy to do. Just advise your lawyer to include the following wording in your will:

    “I give and bequeath to the Hockey Foundation for their work in improving the health of Kiwis through the growth and development of hockey in New Zealand [list here the percentage of estate, residue of estate or specific amount of money or items], free of all death and estate duties and I declare that the official receipt of the Foundation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.”

    Your bequest (gift) can take a number of different forms:

    • A specified sum of money

    • A particular item or items

    • A percentage of the value of your estate

    • The residue of your estate after provision for family and other beneficiaries. (The residue of your estate is what is left following payment of all debts and expenses and after payment of specific gifts to family and friends.)

    Additionally, we are also happy to meet and discuss this with you. This maybe a better option for you to understand what the Foundation does, the impact of your generous gift and what legacy it will leave.

  • Hockey New Zealand, regional bodies and hockey associations can all apply for a grant.

    If you meet the grant criteria, you can apply for a grant through Hockey NZ. There are two grant making rounds per year and grant application forms can be obtained by emailing accounts@hockeynz.co.nz

for any further questions please contact foundation@hockeynz.co.nz